I don't know if 'disappointed' is the right word because I knew all along, that while the icing tasted good, it wasn't exactly IT. The simple truth was that the "right" icing was supposed to be poured and not spread. The icing should be super smooth on the cake surface rather than marred with spatula marks.
For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to ask around the net for ideas from people who've uploaded their caramel cake photos, particularly those with icing that appeared to have the right consistency. I wasn't exactly asking for their recipes, just opinions on what I can do to improve mine. I get lots of emails from people asking for my recipes and for advice, and without exaggeration, I do respond to every single email. So in a way, I expected answers myself, even just to tell me that they are sorry they can't help me. Sadly, only one had the courtesy to respond to me. The one recipe shared with me, unfortunately, was a spreadable icing too. Still, I gave it a try.
Sorry to say, I wasn't very happy with the outcome. The taste was alright but the icing was pale in colour (due to the lack of caramelized sugar) and it was thick and difficult to spread smooth. However, the good news is that, it gave me an idea on how to revise my recipe.
The next thing to do was, of course, bake another caramel cake. I made one for my late mother's birthday last October 27. I changed the proportions of my ingredients and hoped for the best. And I prayed to my mom to help me make it right. After all, the cake was for her.
How was it, you ask? I think the photos will speak for themselves.
I am very happy to say that I think I have finally got it right! Whether or not this tastes like THAT CAKE, I really don't care now because it was the right sweetness for me and the consistency was completely pourable. Except for some tiny air bubbles (which I know is avoidable), the cake surface was smooth. I did not need to do any spreading.
Here it is then...the revised (and hopefully, much better version) of the caramel icing recipe. The procedure is the same as the original one. Just take note of the changes in ingredients and quantities.
CARAMEL ICING (enough to frost and fill an 8" round cake)
2 eggyolks
1 1/2 cups evaporated milk (one 375 ml can), divided
1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup boiling water
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Whisk the eggyolks with 1/8 cup (or 2 tablespoons) of the sugar in a small bowl/jug. Add in 1/4 cup of the evaporated milk and cornstarch. Mix well, then set aside.
In a heavy saucepan, over low to medium heat, caramelize the remaining (
NOTE: This icing is pourable. Let it flow smoothly over the top and sides of the cake. Put strips of baking paper under your cake to catch the drips.
Enjoy! Hope you will be happy with this as well.