Hello, my name is Corinne. I was born, raised and educated in the Philippines. I am a mum of four wonderful kids, 3 boys and a girl and I am now a grandma! I have been living in Melbourne, Australia with my family since January of 2001.
I have an Industrial Engineering degree from the University of the Philippines, worked for 6 years after graduating, but decided to cut short my career when my first-born was only 5 months old. Looking back and reflecting on my life today, I can, without a doubt, say that the corporate world was never meant for me. My family is my greatest priority and I am most happy doing things for and with them. I am definitely a homebody and my home is my sanctuary.
Growing up, I wouldn't say I was very crafty or creative. Only in the past few years did I discover that I could do a lot of things rather well. No, I am not naturally talented. If there is one skill I have, it is probably my ability to learn new things quickly. I google everything I am interested in. I read blogs and forums for information and tutorials. I study a lot of books and I simply marvel at other people's work, dreaming I could somehow make the same wonderful things myself! My interests have shifted from rosary-making, to sewing bags, softies and other useful stuff, to cooking, baking and decorating cakes. And I am pretty sure the list will continue to grow.
My baptismal name is Mary and Heart in Spanish, hence the blog name. This blog is partly a venue to share some of the crafting I do and partly my outlet to express everyday thoughts and experiences. It is my little way of giving back to the world that has allowed me to keep on learning. I hope you will benefit as well from me and be inspired, whether it be from my tutorials, my eBooks or just through my random thoughts.
Your feedback and comments are always greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading!