I had another one of those super hectic weeks and I realized (though quite late) that I haven't properly acknowledged all those who left messages, advice, words of encouragement and expressions of concern and belief in me when I wrote this post. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH. I must admit though that I haven't had much progress into getting my priorities sorted out BUT I will get there, I promise. In the meantime, just know that I am managing.
There are a few cakes I haven't shared with you yet. Here they are!
My niece turned 16 last month and this was her special request. Her only specifications were that the cake be blue with no Alice figure. Personally, I didn't want a whimsical design as most Alice cakes were. I wanted something quite elegant.
This gumpaste teacup is probably my most favourite cake topper to date. It's just stunning and pretty. It does seem complicated to make, doesn't it? Really, it's not (with the help of this tutorial). All you will need is a lot of patience.
Another thing that I wanted on the cake was the rabbit's watch. At first, I didn't think the watch time was important at all and I just made it to be 5:00. Then my daughter corrected me, saying that tea time in Wonderland was always at 6:00! I could have left it at that but I just couldn't stand the mistake. So yes, I discarded a perfectly good watch and made a new one.
Here is the finished topper.
And here is the cake.
My niece appreciated it very much. And so did all her friends and other guests at her party.
My kids were never into Thomas. I don't know....we just found the show quite boring (sorry to those who love the show!). This is why we don't own a single Thomas toy. How then was I supposed to make a rather complicated figure with nothing to copy from?
I searched the web and found a few tutorials and videos. In the end, I decided not to stress too much into making a perfect Thomas with all his parts and details. For as long as it was recognizable, it would be fine. Maybe a 3-year old would not be so discriminating after all.
Could have been better but it's not too bad, isn't it?
This cake theme seems to be very much requested as the game is so popular with kids. I don't mind making them cause the birds are so easy to mould, what with their very basic shapes. The cake topper was all done in one sitting.
I know it's not as elaborate as other Angry Birds cakes are but sometimes less is more, right?
I have another Angry Birds cake coming up soon and this time around, it's going to be the new Space version. Really looking forward to making that one!
When I was first asked to make this, my initial thought was to just make a 2D Bart. Moulding a 3D Bart seemed too advance for my skill level. One night, however, I sat down and just thought of trying. If I could only make a decent head, then everything else would probably be less difficult.
I moulded the head then asked my kids, "Does this look Bart enough?" When they all said yes, I was confident enough to proceed.
Funny how the kids said my completed Bart was too fat. I didn't mind because isn't almost everyone in Springfield?
I hope you enjoyed reading and looking. I really have fun making cakes like these. Sometimes the compensation is great, sometimes not so great. Sometimes I feel like I work too hard, sometimes it seems like it's more like playing. Whatever it may be, at the end of the day, knowing that I've made someone happy does make it all worthwhile.
Have a good week!