Remember this cake?
This was the cake I made for my grandson's first birthday, remember? I made it to look like his much loved teddy bear (which we fondly call "Bearie"). At 2 years and 7 months old now, he still sleeps with Bearie, along with a whole lot of other cuddly creatures.
This post is not about the teddy bear or cake though. It is about pillowcases! I've been making lots of them lately.
I've never bought licensed beddings before as they are really expensive. Licensed fabrics are too, so I only buy them when they are on sale. Now my grandson has lots of pillowcases with his favourite characters on them 😍!
I thought you might like to learn how to make these pillowcases. They are great for any level of sewer, even beginners. Simple straight stitches and no serger required. They are fun and super easy to make! Here goes...
For a pair of pillowcases, you will need:
1 meter (or yard) printed quilting weight cotton fabric (for the pillowcase front)
1 meter (or yard) coordinating plain quilting weight cotton fabric (for the pillowcase back)
coordinating thread
sewing machine
other sewing essentials like ruler, fabric markers, pins, scissors. etc.
Before you begin this project, find a pillowcase that you already have that suits the size of your pillows. You need to base your measurements on your pillowcase because "standard" sizes vary.
Measure the length (longer side) and the width (shorter side) of your pillowcase. (I will be using inches in the tutorial.) Take note of these dimensions as your Length (L) and your Width (L).
1. From your printed fabric, cut two pieces with dimensions: L plus 2" by W plus 2". From your plain fabric, cut two pieces with dimensions: L plus 7" by W plus 2".
2. With wrong side facing up and shorter side on the top, fold the top of your printed fabric 1/2" in. Press. Then fold another 1/2" in. Press again.
2. Do the same thing with your plain fabric. After the two 1/2" folds, fold again 5" down. Press.
3. Stitch the 1/2" folds on both printed and plain fabrics.
4. With wrong sides facing, place the front and back of the pillowcase together. Pin in place.
5. Using a 1/2" seam allowance, stitch down one long side, then along the bottom, then up the other long side. Do not stitch the top of the pillowcase!
6. Trim the seam allowance to about 1/8". Clip the bottom corners as well. Be careful not to cut into the stitches!
7. Turn the pillowcase wrong side out. Push the seams and corners out well.
8. Turn the flap over to the front side. Doing so will enclose the opening at the top. Make sure the top edges of the two fabrics are aligned well, especially the corners. Pin in place.
9. Sew the bottom and sides as in step 5.
10. Turn the flap over to the back side (revealing the pillowcase opening), then turn the pillowcase right side out. That's it! Too easy, right? Now go make the other one!
And then some more!
Hope you find that helpful! Next time, I will show you one way you can make use of the excess pillowcase fabrics.
Have a good weekend ahead!
