People have been asking me if I sell or intend to sell the things I make. My answer has always been "yes, I do intend to" but not until I upgrade to a better sewing machine. I know that buying a new machine is not going to happen in the very near future so in the meantime, I am finding myself trying to learn and master whatever craft I am interested in at the moment. Sometimes I do feel though that I am wasting (or have in fact wasted) a lot of money, time and energy into all these and for what??? For instance, I have piles of handmade bags in my closet -- I don't use most of them and I certainly do not have the confidence to sell them or at least give them away for fear that they are not good enough. To cut the long story short, I just realized I have got to do something or I may end up not having the opportunity to do this ever. That would be a great tragedy... I have got to take the risk NOW.
And so for the past few days, I have been drafting out simple softie patterns. I have made several bag tutorials before and have, in fact, received good reviews for hard can this one be? I figured, selling ePatterns would be a great start for me. My very first bear softie turned out like this and to be honest, I wasn't too happy about it...
(Click to view larger images)
The face looks rather scary, don't you think? Not really the cute type you would want to immediately hug...
I made a few changes to the face, gave it a heart-shaped tummy and the revised version turned out like this...
Better? I think so. So gentle and meek...
And here are the two together...
Can I please have some opinions/comments? Do you think this bear would even appeal to anyone? Would you personally purchase it?