I am feeling quite low today, having received two rather shocking emails so early in the morning. The first one was actually a comment made on my Messenger Bag tutorial post. I had deleted it because I felt it had a toxic effect, but just for the purpose of discussion, here it is:

I would have preferred to contact this person personally but she had left no means of getting in touch with her. I would have asked her what problems she encountered in her sewing. That particular tutorial is the most accessed out of all my free tutorials in this site. I have received a whole lot of emails from people who have successfully made their bags using the instructions. The problem with some people is that they do not bother to read through the whole procedure before they start sewing. I particularly stated in the beginning of that tutorial that "as a prerequisite to this project, you need to know how to install magnetic snaps and make zippered pockets". I deliberately omitted these parts because explaining them would make the whole thing too long. To compensate, I did include links to other tutorials tackling the things I skipped. If anything else was missing or unclear, all she had to do was ask and I would have helped. Am I to blame then that her expensive fabric went to waste?
The messenger bag tutorial was one of the very first I ever made (more than two years ago). I was not an expert sewer then and still, am not an expert sewer now. My assumption has always been that, if I can do it, you can too. Ultimately though, you are the best judge of your own skill level.
The second blow I got today was from an eBay seller from the US. Yesterday, I excitedly received my auction win in the mail.
According to the eBay listing, this cake pan set was supposedly made in the USA by CM Products, Illinois. I inspected and inspected the box and the contents but nowhere was it marked as such. What I found instead was this small sticker...
Made in Taiwan, ROC. Not that I had any problem with that...the pans seemed of good quality anyway. I felt though that I had to let the seller know. I gave her a neutral rating with a feedback saying: "Item very well packed and received quickly, however, description was inaccurate". Was that unfair? Should I have just given her a positive rating despite? Maybe I shouldn't have left any feedback at all.
I immediately sent the seller an email to explain why I gave her the neutral rating.
"Just wanted to explain why I gave you a neutral feedback rating. The cake pan set is not made by CM Products, Illinois, as indicated in the listing. Nowhere in the box does it say that. There's a small sticker on the divider that says Made in Taiwan, which explains why the writing on the box had a lot of grammatical errors and wrong spelling! It does make a difference to me if it were made in the USA.
The cake pan set seems good quality anyhow and would hopefully withstand years of baking. Thanks for shipping quickly."
- heartofmary
Did that in any way sound offensive to you? Because I didn't mean to be at all. To tell you the truth, I wasn't prepared for the reply I got...
"The Immaculate Heart of Mary is very dear to my heart and my family ....
I am upset that you actually use her name and then make up lies about my product .... You received the item EXACTLY as pictured ... at a very REASONABLE price ... PACKAGED and SHIPPED PROPERLY .... I did not make up the words CM ENTERPRISES ... this is the information provided on either the product or the box ...
Your words are BLASPHEMY because you purchased it using the name of our LADY ....
You LIED for everyone to see and did not give me a chance to respond to your problem.... I would have refunded you 100% and let you keep the pan....... Honest sellers in this new age of eBay are at the mercy of buyers .....
I ship at least one item a week Down Under and have NEVER EVER been so disrespected from any of your countryman .....
My husband is a U.S. MARINE and spent some time in you beautiful country on his way HOME from combat in Viet Nam .....
I can not express how hurt I am that you could not have been up front with your problem on something that is as simple as a cake pan ....
We are 71 years old .... the money we make supplements my husbands retirement pay from the U.S.MARINE CORPS .....
GO BACK and look at my listing .... does it in anyway say that I was dishonest or trying to trick you ???
God Bless You and I pray you be more upfront with folks who are honest Sellers on eBay ..."
I could not imagine that a 71-year old would speak to me that way. First of all, my eBay username "heartofmary" (as is the title of this blog), has absolutely no reference to the Virgin Mary. My real name is Maria Corazon, which are Spanish for "Mary" and "Heart". Secondly, never did I accuse her of being a liar, of being dishonest or trying to trick people. Yes, the item was as pictured. Yes, I won it at a reasonable price. And yes, it was properly packaged and shipped. What I only pointed out was the inaccuracy in the description. Why would I lie about those things? What for? Except for the sticker, there truly wasn't any indication of any manufacturer's name on the box or on the cake pans. I will never ask for a refund because as I said, the pans seem of good quality (regardless of where it's made) and I will bake with them all I want!
So sorry I had to bombard you with all that. I had to let my feelings out and there's no one here to talk to at the moment. All of a sudden, I am missing my family back home...and my mom...and am just getting all teary-eyed. Tell me, why can people be so rude?